The Hangtown Kid
U-Pick Apple Orchard
Camino, California
2024 Season Open Now!
- Chestnuts Only This Year -

2598 Mace Road, Camino, CA 95709 530-647-1810
Days & Hours
Open Saturday - Sunday
10 am to 5 pm
Monday - Friday hours,
please call:
530 647-1810
530 903-6405
Fruit Availability
(season dependent - Chestnuts only in 2024)
October -December
November -December
We accept cash, checks & credit cards

It's the Busy Season!
Beat the Traffic...
8 miles above Placerville, exit HWY 50 at exit 54 (Cedar Grove)
At bottom of ramp turn left & go under freeway
Make the 1st right onto frontage road (Pony Express Trail)
Travel 1 .4 mi & then make left on Mace Rd
Hangtown Kid is .9 mi down Mace on left
Follow the right fork in the driveway
Some weekends in October...
CHP may direct you to
Exit 57 (Ridgeway Drive)
At the bottom of the ramp turn left & go under freeway.
At dead end, turn left on Pony Express Trail
Travel 1 .6 miles & then make right onto Mace Rd.
Hangtown Kid is .9 mi down Mace on left
Follow the right fork in the driveway

13 Varieties of Apples

Bosc & Asian Pears
Fuyu and Hachiya Persimmons